When should you request a refund?
To ensure your account is in a healthy position, we always keep one month's Direct Debit in your account. This means you will be able to cover at least one month if your situation changes or your usage increases unexpectedly.
Sometimes, you can have slightly more in your account than one month's Direct Debit and it is at this point where you should decide if it is a good idea to request a refund for not.
Keeping some credit in your account:
It is always a good idea to have extra in your account to ensure any unexpected increases in bills can be covered by this. It can also be used as a buffer in the winter months where your usage will likely rise.
By keeping a little extra in your account each month, you will find it easier to stay on top of your account and your monthly payments whilst making it simpler to budget for your energy consumption.
When to request a refund:
If, in the unlikely case, your credit balance is two or three times as high as your Direct Debit, it may be a good idea to request a refund.
You can decide how much you want returning to you, as long as you keep one month's Direct Debit in your account.
Note: for a refund to be accepted, please ensure you have provided an electric and/or gas reading within 30 days of the request.
You will usually receive the refund 10 working days after it has been approved by our team.
Understanding your Direct Debit payments:
It is important you understand how we charge you each month so you know when to request a refund.
In the table below, you will be able to see how a £540 yearly yearly energy spend is shared out each month. The usage fluctuates throughout the year to reflect the points where usage would be typically higher or lower.
However, this customer would be paying £45 equal payments (£540 ÷ 12 = £45) each month to cover their energy costs.
This is known as equal payments and is a popular method for paying bills. Whilst you may apay slightly more than your usage throughout the summer months, you will then pay less in the winter months when usage is higher.
Not only does it ensure you know exactly how much you will be paying every month, it is also a great way to help manage your energy consumption and budget.
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